Hi! Thanks for stopping by. Here at Entrancement you’ll find videos of fun, kinky and cool hypnosis sessions featuring attractive and creative ladies in deep trances.
The hypnosis contained within my videos is real, and as such, I make sure that everyone who stars in a session is happy with everything they’ll be doing whilst under its effects. Suggestions are loosely planned in advance based on performers skills, preferences and comfort levels, but nothing in my Entrancement is staged or scripted.
There are links to my download store dotted all around the site if you’d like to purchase one of our full videos.
Think of what we do as a stage hypnosis show with sexy bits!
Happy Trances.
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that most people enter several times a day without even realising it.
Have you ever found yourself doing or feeling any of the following?:
In those states of mind you become relaxed, and open to suggestion. The analytical part of your mind stops paying so much attention to what you’re doing, which is why you find yourself able to believe more completely in the movie or story in front of you. On one level, you know that what you’re watching and reading isn’t *really* real… but you find yourself emotionally and mentally connecting with it as though it was anyway.
Hypnosis is a deeper form of that relaxation. A person in hypnosis is much more open to suggestion than they would be normally. A hypnotist can suggest to a person in trance that they feel happy… or sexy… or weightless… or that they have a sudden driving need to stand up and shout “Monkeys!” and as long as the person in the trance is happy with the suggestion, that’s exactly how they’ll feel.
A hypnotized person won’t do anything within trance that they wouldn’t want to do ordinarily. (That’s why our sessions feature paid models under hypnosis. Undressing, posing and being photographed is part of their everyday work, so for the most part, they’re as happy to do it in hypnosis as they would be outside trance)
If a person is comfortable with the hypnotist, they’ll accept and follow suggestions that they’re given, even though to their normal waking mind, the suggestions might seem a little strange.
Erotic hypnosis isn’t very different, but obviously involves suggestions with a sexier twist. Here are a few of the things you’ll see the girls doing in my videos:
So take a deep breath in…
Breathe out all your worries and cares…
Relax… and enjoy the site. ;o)
You are FREE to share, edit, remix, repost and transform my photographs.
(Attribution CC3 License) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
My photographic images can be used in whatever free or commercial works you like, provided you credit me, indicate if any changes were made and link back to this website.
Example: “Image Manipulated. Original source image by Lex Lucas – Entrancement.co.uk”
Notifying me is appreciated, but not mandatory.
If you wish to post my images without attribution, licenses are $25 per image, though I offer a discount if you purchase 3 or more. Contact me on Twitter @Entrancement_UK or at Entrancement@Gmail.com about purchasing a license.
2257 / Model Release Record Keeping
All performers contained within this website were over the age of eighteen years old at the time of depiction.
For record-keeping enquiries contact Lex@Entrancement.co.uk
Why did you remove Kelsey? 😵😵😵
Reply from Lex: She decided afterwards that it wasn’t really her thing and requested that I retire it.
Hi Lex, one question: Have you ever got a boner while the sessions? Cause if I would do this, I’d have a boner!
Reply from Lex: Sometimes, but focusing on the ladies being comfortable, the shots being great and the shoot being entertaining are the main focus.
Hi Lex, could you make the New shootings with the old interface? That would be nice! I like your shootings and your work! Goodbye, a fan
because they do not accept paypal as a payment method
Hello to all
In this puzzling span, I love you all
Esteem your one’s nearest and friends
You have recently been posting pictures about @Hypnodoll-Kitty, is that associated with an upcoming video or no?
Reply from Lex: Nope, Kitty’s a friend / sometimes-subby online.
Huge fan especially the rachael model video which i;ve watched several times. Lost it recently when computer died guess i will have to reorder it.
Like your videos especially Lulu & Bex. However I’m on dial-up and it would take all year to download a video from Clips4Sale. Do you produce DVDs for purchase?
Interesting revamp of the site, I’m glad to see an update and it looks pretty nice. Good job.