The leggy lovely Miss Taylor T!
Taylor was a fun lady to work with. Totally gorgeous, a huge laugh and whilst she might not have got into the deepest of trances, she at least got to the point where she’d find herself experiencing compulsions and desires and not knowing quite how to explain why she was feeling them. The instruction to feel extroverted because she feels she’s beautiful has her demanding “You should look at me. I look GOOD!” whilst cracking up at hearing the words coming out of her own mouth.
Trance depth in this one veers from light to moderate. She zones out nicely during some of her robotic sections, though when pressed to speak never sounds particularly robotic, and later on we did another mini-induction to help her maintain her depth. (My apologies at that point for the possibly jarring cut in the video post-pee-break :P) Further apologies for the puppy’s appearances around the 70 minute mark. 😉
All in all, a pretty good video, with a stunningly, gorgeous, leggy subject who has a lot of fun working with us and is verrrrry easy on the eyes!

00:00:11 Introduction & Hopes for the session
00:03:23 Induction
00:14:00 Limp / Rag Doll Test
00:23:05 TaylorBot
00:25:10 TaylorBot At Attention
00:25:40 TaylorBot Posing on Command
00:27:00 Taylor Reprogrammed: “My name’s Robot”
00:29:00 Amnesia: Doesn’t recall her training so far
00:30:40 Fingersnaps = Desire to give me clothing!
00:33:55 Nudity is totally normal (until I say “Switch”)
00:35:45 Can’t stop herself from posing.
00:36:49 Suddenly Shy… thennnnn not.
00:38:00 No idea what her breasts are (and doesn’t like them!)
00:39:00 Growing / Shrinking Breasts
00:40:20 Growing Tongue (which gets stuck out)
00:41:20 Outburst: “GIVE ME ALL THE MONEY!”
00:43:55 Mindless Robot
00:44:45 “Adam” the photographer (And Lex(i) the model!)
00:47:50 “Adam” checks herself(?) out in the mirror
00:48:30 TaylorBot mindless & poseable
00:52:40 Taylor has no idea why she’s posing or undressed
00:54:25 Frozen on the turntable
00:55:15 Mini-Reinduction
01:00:00 Barbie the BarbieDoll
01:02:30 Waking TaylorBarbie
01:03:30 Plastic Frozen TaylorBarbie Doll
01:03:50 Puppeteering TaylorBarbie
01:06:00 Spinning Posing & Undressing TaylorBarbie
01:12:00 Taylor Sales Lady (Talk about selling yourself)
01:13:55 TaylorBot: Girlfriend Mode
01:15:25 TaylorBot: CamGirl Mode
01:17:25 TaylorBot: Mistress Mode
01:19:00 TaylorBot: SexDoll Mode
01:19:30 TaylorBot: Slavegirl Mode
01:20:30 Using Slavegirl Taylor as a footstool
01:20:55 Mistress Taylor’s unhappy to be on her knees
01:22:21 Back Massages for Everybody!
01:23:40 Sleepwalking and empty headed
01:24:19 Art Nude Posing
01:26:30 Waking up naked (and shy)
01:27:00 Naked (And brazen. No shy! No Brazen!)
01:28:00 Wants to touch… but isn’t allowed
01:30:00 Possessed Shoes just want to dance!
01:34:30 Empty headed posing
01:39:00 Closing Chat
01:41:58 Extras: Alternate Angles and Spins
Running Time: 104 Minutes
Purchase Price: $24.99 / £15.91 / €20.31*
* Prices correct at date of publication